Fokas Beyond educates like-minded individuals as to how to invest in the Stock Market whilst understanding the risks. We don’t use the traditional Buy and Hold strategy. The Fokas Beyond team brings a combined experience of over 70 years in the stock market which allows us to personally guide our members to achieve the results that we achieve providing confidence and sound knowledge.
Fokas Beyond was established by George Fokas. George wanted to share his knowledge, hold people’s hands and guide them every step of the way to ensure they are educated so they too can invest without having to rely on others. George’s two main passions in life when it comes to Fokas Beyond is to be able to share his knowledge as well as investing along side his members so they too can see how George invests.
Fokas Beyond has a vibrant team of individuals who have been in the markets for a long period of time actively investing in the strategies taught by George. They will be sharing their knowledge with our members to ensure they too, like the Mentors, have the choice as to when and how to invest.
George is passionate about teaching others and his workshops and member testimonials show this. “I love helping people one on one and guiding them every step of the way from start to finish and then seeing them achieve something that they never imagined could be possible. To transform someone’s life and for them to see the results from the actions that they took – that is rewarding to me and I see it all the time,” says George.
With the personal mentoring offered by Fokas Beyond, all students and their dedicated Mentors build a timeline to ensure each member is accountable for their actions. The Mentors follow up each and every member making sure they do not fall behind and are guided so that their goals and plans in their timeline is achieved.
George says: “Members are only as good as their Mentors and unless the Mentors have the results on the board, then students won’t get far. You can have the best education in place, however unless the team behind the education has the knowledge and experience along with the skills to personally guide, teach and educate, then the Education is worthless. At Fokas Beyond, our Key to Success is our Personal Mentoring structures – designed to ensure each individual member is accountable.
Our mission at Fokas Beyond is to educate ordinary people how to Invest on the Stock Market with strategies that generate income, with little time allocated, while having money work for them instead of them working for money. We teach a strategy which ensures capital protection is in place in case the market moves against the position.
Fokas Beyond has taken strategies available in the market place and has broken them into easy to understand, manageable steps so that each step can be implemented with confidence, along with sensible risk management procedures, with the guidance of our mentors.
Learn how to generate additional cashflow from the stock market. Receive the support available from the Fokas Beyond Mentoring team. Have access to global markets,. Anyone and everyone can use Fokas Beyond strategies to create additional income while ensuring your risk management structures are in place.
This education will ensure longevity in the stock market so that you Learn.Grow.Prosper.Together