Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of investors.
The Rare Kind of Investor
One is the rare kind –very rare— he/she makes money in the stock market week after week… month after month… year after year. In UP or DOWN markets.
He/she doesn’t follow the crowd. He/she follows a system and tools that work. He/she uses TOOLS that give them accurate, useful information on the market. He/she invests with quiet confidence.
He/she doesn’t listen to “hot tips” from cab drivers or the analysts and talking heads on CNBC, CNN, FOX NEWS, Bloomberg or so-called Gurus who claim to travel the world or space.
And he/she definitely doesn’t trust their retirement and investment plans to a fund “manager.” He/she knows better. He/she looks forward to retirement because their portfolio is always growing.
The Other Kind of Investor
The other kind is the investor who operates off hunches, guesswork or intuition. He/she doesn’t know what else to do. They are fearful and they hope that so-called “professionals” and advisors will look out for their interests. Purchases programs on hype, speculation and big return figures.
This is the person who makes money accidentally when things are good. This is the person who just hates the stock market but doesn’t know what else to do. This is the person who gets scalped in the market on a regular basis.
Be Part Of The Rare Kind
Hello. My name is George Fokas. I created Fokas Beyond because of lies and deceptions in the industry about Stock Market trading, stock market education and stock market investing. Too many people these days are trying to present themselves as experts in a field they have very little experience in. I know you can become a successful investor like the rare bird mentioned above.
Many years ago, I was involved with companies who were presenting a product or products about stock market education, I quickly learnt that many are out, for one thing, your money and will do whatever to get it. This is why I decided to launch Fokas Beyond, looking beyond the lies and deceptions and putting my time, knowledge and integrity into a company that will do the right thing for the students and members globally. A Faster, Smarter, Better way to find winners and avoid the losers. After 21 years of real-world success, I can tell you, that nothing else even comes close.
I’m here to tell you, that you don’t have to be like the guy who gets scalped in the market on a regular basis or the one listening to all the hype with lies and deception. You can be like the first kind of investor I mentioned… the kind who makes money in any market. I’m here to tell you the market will reveal itself to you every day. All you need are the right answers at the right time. The market is nothing more than math. And math does not lie.
If the math “adds up”… you can confidently make a move. If the math does not “add up” you sit it out. You wait until the math tells you to jump in or out. It’s that simple.
Now you can have the right information you want when you want it…That leads to profits!
Think about this. If you follow the simple investing plan based on the TOOLS we provide you at Fokas Beyond you can potentially end your money worries for good.
You can become the confident investor who makes money month after month, year after year… The one with a bright and happy future. The one who sleeps well at night.
I began in 1999 and learnt the hard way about what to invest and when to invest. At that time, I developed the right mindset, approach and knowledge that many of my students around the world now model. Given this information, your investment success is bound to improve. My name is now used by companies to try and build their reputation on the back of my hard work and personal success. Beware of Imitators making these claims. Fokas Beyond is the only place you can learn the right answers at the right time.
If you’re like most investors… you think the market is all one big gamble.
The truth is…IT IS a gamble. Unless you have the right information and tools so that you Learn.Grow.Prosper with better investment decisions.
Listen, by using Fokas Beyond, you’re going to love the stock market again. It gives you an almost “unfair advantage” over other investors. Why? Because Fokas Beyond strategies are tested. And proven.
NOTE: Any system that reduces your risk… and increases your profits, is worth considering. But a system that’s been available in the market since 1973 and many Professionals in downturn markets fall back on it, is one you should really look at.
We’ve built our whole business around our intent to deliver the best stock market education available anywhere. Check our website for what offers are available to you NOW! And let me say – THANK YOU – in advance for giving us the opportunity to serve you.
Fokas Beyond is where you want to make your first stop when it comes to monthly cash flow where passive income can potentially exceed your active income. We also offer a stock market strategy for covered calls
Yours in Success
George Fokas