The most common questions that make the subject of money such a mystery.
Questions such as:
- Why do only a select few people win big with the money game?
- And why do most people lose?
- Why do people who win or inherit money very often end up losing everything?
- What is the key to financial abundance? And one of the most common of all is:
- Why do most of us never seem to have enough money? Where does it all go?
The Incredible Power Of Compounding
After discovering all the mysteries that surround money through my blogs I will quickly move on to ‘The Incredible Power Of Compounding.’ In this blog series, you’ll learn what compounding is and discover how easy it is to harness this incredible force. This powerful phenomenon will guarantee you achieve financial independence.
You’ll be both excited and amazed when you see how very small amounts of your money can grow into huge ones over time.
You will learn that money doubles every five years if you can get it to grow at 15%. That means $10,000 becomes $20,000 in five years and the $20,000 becomes $40,000 in ten. That means that after 40 years, a starting amount of just $10,000 would grow into a staggering $2.56 million dollars!
You’ll also discover that to get to financial independence, it doesn’t matter how much money you currently have. You’ll find it hard to believe when you learn that even people who are in deep debt right now can still get to financial independence if they follow this fantastic proven system.
When you begin to understand The Incredible Power Of Compounding I’m sure that your greed glands may start to swell rather large!
Once I finish these blogs, you’ll have hard evidence that it’s possible for money to grow into enormous amounts over time. Your job is to find a way to get your money to grow at powerful rates of return.
If you could manage that, there would be nothing that could stop you from becoming financially independent.
But what can you use to grow your money at powerful rates of return?
The answer is the stock market with Fokas Beyond and when I provide you with the blogs that cover ‘The Stock Market – A License To Print Money you’ll discover that the stock market is not as risky as you may think. The stock market is the way you can get your money to grow at the rates of return needed to attain financial independence, and with Fokas Beyond, it is possible. Having the right stock market investing strategy and education matters.
You’ll learn that even though the stock market has and always will have correction periods (periods where the market will fall), it will forever keep going higher and higher just as it has done since the market first began.
History in the market repeats itself, which means that this excellent growth trend will continue in the future and most probably accelerate. This means you’ll be able to get even higher growth rates on your money, which in turn means you’ll get to your goal even faster!
You’ll also learn the secrets of how the professionals reduce, and take the risk out of, investing in the stock market.
Ok, if the stock market has grown and is likely to continue this growth in the future, imagine if you could find investment vehicles that are linked to the stock market but they constantly beat it.
How great would that be?
The great news is, to complete the Blog series, I will be showing you ‘Evidence To Prove You Can Do It’, hard facts to prove that there are safe investment vehicles out there that will grow your money at powerful rates of return such as 15%, 20%, 25%, or even 30% and possibly more!
By the time you have finished truly reading all my blogs, any scepticism you may have had previously will have completely disappeared. You’ll be at the stage where you now start to believe it is really possible for you to become financially independent.
By the way, it’s OK to be a little sceptical. As human beings, we all have that in common too.
It is, however, important though that you want to believe it’s possible for you to achieve financial independence, right from the outset.
It’s perfectly ok if at this moment you are not sure whether it’s possible or even in a worse case, you don’t believe you can make it to financial independence.
However, as a strong word of caution: if you are serious about creating your ideal financial destiny, you’ll have to start right now to want to believe.
When you see the evidence, you’ll believe, I promise.
Mystery Of Money to Be Revealed
I think that after you’ve completed the first series of my blogs on ‘The Mystery of Money is Revealed’, you may have trouble sleeping at night.
Yes, I’m sorry to say that you may have the pleasure of having trouble sleeping for many nights.
Notice how I said the “pleasure” of not sleeping and not the “pain” of not sleeping. That’s because you’ll have trouble because of your excitement!
Each day you’ll start to wake with a feeling that you’ve just won the jackpot on the National Lottery.
You’ll feel as though you’ve found the key to Aladdin’s cave full of treasure and the contents are all yours.
I’d like to bring you down off the roof for a moment if I may. Before we move on, could I ask you to make this mental note:
There are going to be times whilst reading my blogs where you may get slightly impatient because you desperately want me to quickly get on to the actual strategies of making money and share with you the next blog.
Please try to simmer down because I will eventually get there.
And, when you’re learning about let’s say for example ‘The Ability To Think Like A Millionaire’, you may feel like putting the book down to bang on the table and say something like “come on, enough with all this about attitude and beliefs”.
In fact, you may even want to shout out loud: “Come on; show me how to make the money!”
If you find yourself agitated at any stage, please try to relax and realise that every single stage is key to your success even though you may not think so at the time.
Do you know what you want financially?
Did you know that if you can write down what it is that you want on a piece of paper, it means that you are capable of achieving it?
It’s true.
So what is the secret to attaining financial independence?
We’ll tell you the secret.
If you want to get to financial independence the FAST TRACK way, all you need to do is learn and apply, the 11 Fokas Beyond Ingredients.
Just in case you haven’t heard about the 11 Fokas Beyond Ingredients before now, let me take this opportunity to introduce them to you.
There are 11 Fokas Beyond Ingredients that when combined will help you to FAST TRACK to a life where you can potentially never have to worry about money again.
That stage in your life is when you can celebrate the fact that you’ve made it to financial independence.
These 11 Fokas Beyond Ingredients are very powerful and truly magical.
You’ll discover that this unique method is not just any old method of how to get to financial independence. My members around the world follow these 11 Fokas Beyond Ingredients to Independent wealth with the right stock market investing education.
It’s a method that is proven.
It’s a method that is safe.
It’s a method that is easy to understand and apply.
It’s a method that doesn’t take up much of your time to manage.
It’s a method that guarantees results from Day 1 up Front once your order is in the market.
If your desire is to shorten your original financial plan, this method shows you how to do that and in a guarded way.
And just for good measure, this method shows you how, if you feel it is right, you can leave a legacy behind that lives on when you are gone.
This material provided to my members around the world is the business! You are going to love it.
We reckon you’ll start to wake up every morning and start the day with a James Brown impersonation:
“I Feel Good!”
Sounds good?